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Keeping the wilderness wild.

Of the 175 acres of our park, we have a special area of 26 acres which is kept untouched as a nature reserve around the river Ritec. These diverse habitats and plant life are an ideal environment for the local wildlife and insect populations to thrive.

Eco-Friendly Farm

Great Wedlock Farm and Deer Park is completely powered by green energy generated from our solar panels.

Our panels generate an astonishing 65kW of solar power which we use for our lighting, heating and anything else you see on the park!

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Electric Customer Vehicles

Our fleet of electric safari buggies are powered completely by green energy generated from our solar panels. Of course, being electric vehicles, they are completely emission free!

It’s not just our own vehicles which benefit from our fully green power – yours can too! Our parking area features four public EV (electric vehicle) chargers for customer use.

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Renewable Energy

The rooftop of our Deer Barn is covered in over 170 solar panels which generate an impressive 65kW of green energy.

We also have a surplus storage system so even when the sun isn’t shining we can continue to use our renewable energy from our battery storage.

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Visit Pembrokeshire's most eco-friendly deer park today

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